It’s been lemonade so far. Our flight was delayed, we had time for Real Food Daily right there in LAX — then our connecting flight was redirected to the gate next to our quick connection. The redirection caused confusion that kept us on the plane longer than expected to deplane, then our connection was delayed, so we got sushi in Dallas before getting back in the air. We got lost trying to find a cafe where we were to meet Adrianne’s brother, then ended up at an even better place for Lebanese food as we dashed in from the pouring rain and lightning. We were expecting a continuation of the hot summer they’ve been having here in London, instead we got a double rainbow.
Today, I’ll meet my friend Merideth whom I’ve known for a couple decades now and we’ll go with her daughter to see a Bill Viola exhibition at St. Paul’s and a Matisse exhibition across the Millennium Bridge at the Tate, in the neighborhood where we’ve stayed the past two visits. And hopefully I’ll get to jam a little bit with her daughter, with whom I haven’t played since she was in the single digits!
Tomorrow, I’ll play at the 12 Bar Club on Denmark Street in Central London, which as I said in my previous post holds a special place for me as it was one of the first streets I visited in London so many years ago. Thursday is the Drawingroom in Chesham, and I’m looking forward the bucolic beauty heading out there, the great vibes of the space, and the English breakfast in the morning! Then the weekend is for connecting with dear friends that feel like family.
I’m feeling very lucky as I sit here up too early in a jet lagged mellow listening to Gilbertos Samba trying to keep quiet, as I smile, looking forward to three weeks of celebrating a lifetime of connections and new friends in beautiful cities and countryside.