Press Clippings

La Cañada OutlookAstoria, OregonVentura County ReporterValley Sun
Wetzlarer Neue Zeitung GermanySave the Date Magazine Feature

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Selected Online Mentions and Reviews one of the 10 best kept secrets of the year.

Mark’s Muse: Sunday Morning Music

Quick Quotes

At Peace w/ Past, Present, Future
“With the kind of smile that could light up the sky …, Jason Luckett cheerfully greets me…. Perhaps his outward expression of joy is attributable to an inner serenity (zen, if you will)…. Luckett is blissfully at peace with himself, his past, present, and future.” – Save the Date Magazine, Yayoi Winfrey. (Click image for PDF)

One To Watch
Acoustic Cafe
“One To Watch” – Acoustic Cafe, the acclaimed radio show from Ann Arbor, MI, broadcast on air worldwide.

Passionate Guitar-God
HITS Magazine
“In the spirit of a stripped-down Ben Harper, another passionate guitar-god rises from the steamy armpit of Southern California. …Luckett is a charismatic, romantic poet who wields lyrical dexterity in his heartbreaking yet inspirational narratives. A refreshing return to pure unadulterated tunage!” – HITS Magazine, Alexa Sharman

Breath of Fresh Air
Music Connection
“…He uses his guitar as an accompaniment to his stellar, expressive voice as well as his intriguing love songs and mesmerizing essays. … He’s a little Sam Cooke, a little Lenny Kravitz, and a little Neil Young. … His friendly demeanor and barefoot appearance draws you into the moment and relaxes your guard. … Jason Luckett is just the breath of fresh air that this jaded town needs”- Music Connection

A Tasty Brew
Victory Review
“…A tasty brew of pop, soul, and folk that’s both relaxed and infectiously danceable. They keep things interesting by shifting the tempo and instrumentation, and through it all weaves Luckett’s supple, soulful singing.”- Victory Review, Richard Middleton

Really Shines
New Times
Along comes a singer/songwriter who really shines. Jason Luckett could be billed as a male Tracy Chapman. His songs cast a jaundiced eye at life, love and social issues. Luckett tackles his subject matter with aplomb.”- New Times (SLO County), Glen Starkey

Right Places
LA Times
“Luckett is a folksinger who has learned a lot of adjectives to describe all those dysfunctional relationships that are responsible for so many good songs. Bad significant others make for good songs, and Luckett gets emotional for the usual reasons at the right places. He’s got a pleasing voice, and that never hurts.” – LA Times, Bill Locey