
Forest Giggles, Scandinavian Smiles

I should know by now that I should never put a number one by anything unless number two is already done. Yes, there were many more German Forest Giggles: the ATV ride to take Sanni’s son to the first day of school, the spontaneous children’s show with Lotan one morning on only a cup of coffee, then amazing jams with Singa who learned guitar and drums to my songs,which we then performed on a rowboat and in the bottom of a cave with a gang of German school kids. I guess the giggles weren’t all in the forest and they were definitely more giggles of joy rather than silliness, though I must say singing along with the bells in a the belfry in a castles complete with torture chambers was definitely silly.

Then I went to Copenhagen and got to play on a stage I think almost every day of the four I was there. Like Germany, I found a sweet community of musicians. We didn’t have all the bonding time like we did in the Monkees Headquarter like environment, with most of us in one cabin and extraordinary day trips, but with 200 songwriters, you’re bound to find some really great connections. Every time I got on stage in Copenhagen, I collaborated with someone I’d never played with before and in most cases had met within minutes of heading onstage, or in one case, the host just told me this guy’s gonna come up and play mid-set. That experience in particular turned out to be the funkiest sax driven version of “I See Everything” I’d ever done! And then SONiA asked me to join here onstage, which was a blast!

Tonight I’m just getting in from a really sweet show here in Stockholm where a gang of people I met in Copenhagen showed up, along with people I met in India, Los Angeles and, of course, here. The world is so incredibly small! I have no shows in Finland, my next stop, or Germany next week, yet. But I’ll be playing with my friend Jont, just outside of London a couple times next Saturday and Sunday before heading back to the states. Feeling great!

Posted in Blog, Gratitude

German forest giggle #1

“Here I sit broken hearted…” Well, a cloud burst and it began to pour while visiting the bathroom about 50 yards from my cabin. Not really broken hearted, however, because the facilities here are immaculate, and my flashlight/iPhone has good wifi connection! So I’ll take advantage of it.

It’s so great to be here in Germany with my hosts, Sanni and Manni! I feel like I’ve already made loads of new friends in just a few hours. Hopefully the rain will stop soon, so I can combat the jet-lag. The shows start at 6pm today!


Posted in Blog, Gratitude

"This Time" @ the Bugle Boy

Watch on Facebook

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New Press and Videos

Hi! Just thought you might like to know about a couple additions to the site and other links.

I’ve added some press clippings from March, which you can find here: [cref 145 Jason Luckett Press].

I’ve also updated my YouTube channel, so it all makes a little more sense. Check it out here: Jason Luckett YouTube.

And here’s a new clip from last week at Kulak’s Woodshed:


I started working on a new video with Simko last weekend. Hopefully we’ll finish it up when I get back from Texas.

Hope to see you or your proxies in Texas over the next few days. [cref 2974 The Bugle Boy show is Saturday].

Posted in Blog, News, Video

Now on iTunes & More…Please Review!

We’ve gone worldwide!  Everything about this album has been possible through community support, so please go by these major retailers to leave a review.  I really appreciate your continued support in making this album a success.


CD Baby

You can buy the album there or [cref 2696 straight from me] (of course I make more [cref 2696 here]). But the digital booklet is only available [cref 2696 here] and is included with your download from [cref 2696].

Posted in Blog, Music

Your Second Steps

I’m grown. Most of my fans are. The new album is called “The Second Half of the Bet” because I felt like the songs were exploring what happens after the deal has been set. We may be in a place that’s very different than what we imagined when we were uncommitted and completely amorphous, but we have powerful choices to make. It may seem dark, one may be disillusioned, but I found myself becoming more and more hopeful as this album developed. I’d guess that most of us would find hope as we actively pursued a project and asked for our community’s involvement like I did with Kickstarter and other places. (Even if you think you don’t have a community, I bet if you started asking, you’d find out you weren’t so alone.)

So as I’m putting together the first celebration for my new album, I thought I’d ask a few of my friends to participate in the event by sharing art or thoughts on the subject of second steps towards a positive life. I thought it would be nice to also hear what those who can’t attend might have to say on the subject. Post your thoughts, links to songs, images, videos or poems. I’m excited to hear from you.

Posted in Blog, Gratitude

My City

Big Jay McNeely as he looked when we played with him.I am operating on four hours sleep, but I’m feeling such love that I wanted to capture it before I drift off.  And I want to do it publicly, because the feeling is so externally driven.  Good word, actually, driven, because it was as I was driving home that I was almost in tears.  I’d just left this beautiful, spirit centered gathering celebrating the love of one friend and her love, whom she’ll join on his walk from Los Angeles to Brazil (  And it was just around the corner from the spiritual center of my boozy early 20s, Al’s Bar.  I’d try to tame that place with just my acoustic guitar, or play nasty blues in this band called “Victor’s Sister” that once got to pay with Big Jay McNeely.

I’d just received a glowing e-mail review of my new album from one of my favorite supporters, as I left Traction Ave to head by Olvera Street as I got on the 101 heading back home.  I was thinking how great LA would be if we had some infrastructure investment somewhere before that horrible Melrose exit off the freeway.  (Why is the gas at the “Petrol” station always so cheap?)  I passed the old Anti-Club, Paramount Studios….  And that’s when I started to well up.  I guess it’s just the diversity of experience from my organic spiritual type scene, to my DIY punk-ish life, to the silly Hollywood stuff I’ve done.   Maybe it’s because I’ve been able to make music in all these places and I’ve just put my new album up for sale on my site?

But then it got even better, reaching the heart of Melrose where I worked at the Gap and the fancy Gelati per Tutti across the street.  I used to play my demos and watch how the hipsters would react as they came in, bopping their heads to the guy scooping their cappuccino cones.  As much as I loved living in the Los Feliz/Silverlake area, I kind of think I love WeHo even more.  It’s definitely not as groovy, but I’m so beat today because I went up to a friend’s last night, ten minutes away up Laurel Canyon to share new music, finished and unfinished, over wine and pasta, then I got woken up early this morning to meet a friend of 20 years a block away from my house at Urth for breakfast.  And this is the neighborhood where during college I lived down the hall from the bass player from Cheap Trick in a rent controlled apartment.  And the next thing I knew Warren Zevon moved in across the hall.

But, really, it’s all of LA.  So many good people and landmarks that are the healthy roots that allow me to grow.  And I’ve been away for periods of time now, so I appreciate it even more.  And now I’m blessed to be living in the most wonderful home, a home which still carries the creative vibe of the couple who lived here for 70 years just before I moved in.   I’m not sure if I’ve said anything you don’t already know tonight.  But I just wanted to share my love letter to the city.

Posted in Blog, Gratitude


It’s ready! Thanks so much to all you who supported my project financially and spiritually. I’m so excited to hear your feedback and see you as I tour around the country this spring. Honestly, as I write this I’m a little sleepy from trying to get everything ready. Who knew it would take so long? Every step took three times as long as I expected, and I now know that I need more RAM on my computer!

But it’s here! I’ve seen the big smiles and tears on the faces of the few I’ve played it for already. That always blows me away. I love the photos Simko took.  I took a few myself for the 18 page digital booklet (which you can only get by download—being green is also economical).  I like the journey of the album from hope to longing to hope again.  Maybe I really should change the title to “Hope Again.”  That photo was just a cool location, but it captured the mood.  It’s called “Second Half of the Bet” because I like that we make these grand wagers in youth, then we have to figure out what they all mean.  That’s how that stuck.  But the beauty of life is retaining that youthful wonder as we move with a little more wisdom.  Hope again…  I like it.

OK, I’m off to sing in a show about love downtown….  No big CD release plans yet.  But when the little things are stacked at my doorstep, I’ll let you know when we’ll be celebrating!

Love to you!

Buy the album now
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Over The Moon!

Nailah at the house after gracing me with her incredible voice!“One Step” for Jason Luckett’s 6th Album

I’m over the moon with all the support I’ve received for this new record — from those who’ve pledged ( and the team helping me to get it done.  You’ve made me feel very loved and emboldened!  We’ve passed the initial goal by $600, so at this point we’re about $400 short of my being able to do a full pressing and get the physical CD out to more people beyond those who’ve asked for the special edition.  I was talking to my mother this afternoon, and you know how mother’s have that way of asking the simply perfect questions. She asked, “Why didn’t you just ask for all you needed in the first place?”  All I could say was that I wanted to absolutely make sure I could get the music done and wasn’t really sure that I would be able to raise $3000 in an all or nothing proposition.  But you’ve all made me believe and now we’re so close!  If just two people decide to have a private concert in their home for $250, or if one person wants me to write a song and another wants to be on the list to all my shows for a year,  I’ll be able to do the full run and have the commercially available CDs ready in January.  That’d be the best start to a year for me ever! Think about it and know that every pledge helps and entitles you to beyond the value of a regular CD purchase or download.  But those special offers end at 4pm PST on Thursday.  So if you’re thinking about it, please contribute today.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!  It’s been such a boost of energy to feel this support!

Love and Peace,


Posted in Blog, Gratitude

Kickstarter Banner

Copy this code to share this banner:

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