Monthly Archives: February 2011

Sat. 2/26: "Freedom Songs" @ La Canada UMC

An evening of Freedom Songs with my friend, David Crittendon. This will be our second performance of this show. It’s very exciting to share these songs with David, who not only was a part of the roots music scene here in LA during the 60s, but was also part of Freedom Summer in Mississippi.  I feel like we’re reaching the source when we’re playing!

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Thu. 3/3: Molly Malone's, 10pm


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Sat. 3/5: Neighborhood Cup, Aliso Viejo, 8pm

I’ll be so happy to be back there and with the new CDs!!  Hope you all can make it!

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Keep the Magic of the Libraries Alive Rally

and Magic Show (for children)

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Sat. 3/26: Genghis Cohen, 9:30pm

Posted in Shows Past

Your Second Steps

I’m grown. Most of my fans are. The new album is called “The Second Half of the Bet” because I felt like the songs were exploring what happens after the deal has been set. We may be in a place that’s very different than what we imagined when we were uncommitted and completely amorphous, but we have powerful choices to make. It may seem dark, one may be disillusioned, but I found myself becoming more and more hopeful as this album developed. I’d guess that most of us would find hope as we actively pursued a project and asked for our community’s involvement like I did with Kickstarter and other places. (Even if you think you don’t have a community, I bet if you started asking, you’d find out you weren’t so alone.)

So as I’m putting together the first celebration for my new album, I thought I’d ask a few of my friends to participate in the event by sharing art or thoughts on the subject of second steps towards a positive life. I thought it would be nice to also hear what those who can’t attend might have to say on the subject. Post your thoughts, links to songs, images, videos or poems. I’m excited to hear from you.

Posted in Blog, Gratitude

3/30: World Stage Feature, 8pm

Celebrate the new album with us at the World Stage Anansi Writers Workshop.

RSVP on Facebook

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Monday, 2/21: CD RELEASE Party, 4PM

Buy Download Now[purchase_link id=”5832″ style=”button” color=”white” text=”Add to Cart”][purchase_link id=”5832″ style=”button” color=”white” text=”Buy Now” direct=”true”]
Buy CD!
Download comes in a compressed folder (zip) containing 11 songs encoded at 256kbps (VBR) and an 18 page digital booklet (PDF).

Posted in Shows Past

Songs @ Sit 'n Spin, Feb 17

Writers/Performers this Thursday are:
Amy Stiller,
Tom Saunders,
Eric Friedman,
Joe Smith,
Taylor Negron,
and I’ll be playing a couple songs and incidental sorts of things between — or during — the readings.

Posted in Shows Past

Photos, Bio & Video for 2011

High resolution photos:

[nggallery id=33]

These are large files, so please right or ctrl click to save them.

And a short bio:

Click here for:  [cref 2041 Alternative Bio] | [cref 2267 2 Lines] | [cref 145 Quotes] | [cref 2049 Works + Notables (incl. Literary)]

Jason Luckett sits in a hardwood studio untouched by time, tapping rhythm on a foot stool used by Andrés Segovia, singing through vintage preamps used on a Spice Girls tour….  OK, the story’s getting weird, but this sets the scene for recording The Second Half of the Bet (Hope Again), a warm collection of songs traversing the afterglow of youthful wagers.  With an eye toward hope, the sounds of jazz, samba, reggae, bluegrass, soul and folk blend seamlessly into a coherent whole.

In the past two years, the Los Angeles based artist has performed with classical Indian musicians in Kerala, toured the western United States to promote healthcare reform, been published in the groundbreaking literary anthology The Black Body,  and read as part of the prestigious ALOUD series at the Los Angeles Public Library and Sit ‘n’ Spin at the Comedy Central Stage.  He also contributed a solo theatrical piece to The Emmett Till Project at Highways Performance Space and was featured at the Mixed Roots Film & Literary Festival twice, once for his musical work, once for his literary.

Jason recorded The Second Half of the Bet (Hope Again) as 2010 came to a close, layering guitars, bass, vocals and percussion in that magical wood-paneled studio mostly solo, with a couple loving assists from vocalist Nailah Porter, bassist David Sutton and engineer Ted Blaisdell. As wide-ranging as his activities of the past couple years, SHOTB, moves organically through folk, jazz, rock and world rhythm influences, retaining the strong personality of what Jason irreverently calls “groovy acoustic soul.”

“A lot of the work I did during the past couple years dealt with the diverse cultural influence in my life and how I was able to create a coherent identity bumping through the ‘mulatto moments.’  This album takes the jazz and Brazilian sounds I heard growing up along with the classic rock and post-punk that I got in the ‘burbs and integrates them better than I ever have before.”

Another byproduct of his recent literary work is the freedom Jason felt to leave his biography behind and dig deeper into the situations and stories in these songs.

“After a couple years of seriously mining my history for different projects, I found a real freedom in searching for emotional truths within largely fictional constructs.  I no longer felt the need to portray myself in my songs.

“Still, these songs represent the questions I’m pondering now.  It’s called The Second Half of the Bet because I like that we make these grand wagers in youth, then we have to figure out what they all mean.  Then when I considered Steven Simko’s beautiful cover image, I knew that I had to append the title to include ‘Hope Again.’  There’s beauty in retaining youthful wonder as we move ahead with a bit more wisdom.   Grappling with the imperfection of where we are personally or politically after making euphoric and idealistic decisions, I consistently remind myself to choose hope.”

Jason’s played festivals all over the world from Glastonbury to South by Southwest, recorded or played with musicians as diverse as the Indigo Girls, Melissa Etheridge, Kenny Burrell, and members of Bauhaus and Red Hot Chili Peppers, been a staff writer for EMI and is a published poet.  Check for discography, publications, tours and more info on Jason, Segovia and the Spice Girls.

He’s released six discs on his Lucky Masala Head label.

Please contact me for more info.

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